Take only photos, leave only footprints.

Hamilton Cemetery Entrance off of York Blvd

Tour Etiquette

  1. Do not touch the memorials or artifacts. They are privately owned outdoor sculptures.
  2. Do not bring alcohol, firearms, or entertainment items into cemeteries.
  3. Maintain supervision of children and teach them respect for cemeteries.
  4. Keep pets under control and clean up after them.
  5. Do not litter, this includes cigarette butts.
  6. Do not interfere with the plants or wildlife that inhabits the cemetery.
  7. Show respect for the dead and their families.
  8. Please stay on designated walkways.

Car Etiquette

  1. Keep your vehicle on designated roadways or in parking areas.
  2. Do not leave vehicles idling; this can damage historic structures and sculptures.

Local Laws

  1. Do not be in the cemetery after sunset. Obey the laws.
  2. Promptly report suspicious activities or vandalism to local authorities.