Hamilton Cemetery and Tour Etiquette

Robin McKee was featured in a Hamilton Spectator article by Mark McNeil entitled “A Tombstone Top 10” that appeared on Tuesday May 5th., 2020. To access this article select Robin in the Spec.

To view a brief video of Robin’s Cemetery Tours select One Minute Tour with Robin McKee.

Dr. Riley Moynes conducts a podcast entitled “Squeezing all the Juices out of Retirement.” He has produced a very interesting audio interview on Robin’s cemetery tours. To listen to this interview select Dr. Moynes interview with Robin McKee.

Robin McKee in Hamilton Cemetery during Tour

There is also a recent YouTube interview with Robin that explores his approach to photography as a visually impaired person. To view this interview select “Life through the Lens of a Blind Photographer.”

CTV News recently published a story on Robin’s photography entitled “‘A different me seeing the world’: Blind Photographer to Publish Book of Pictures.” To read this article select Blind Photographer.

Robin McKee is a frequent presenter on topics of historical and heritage interest related to the Hamilton community. Groups or organizations that include such concerns in their meetings might like to contact Robin about the possibility of his making a presentation to them. Attached is a list of 30 topics on which Robin is prepared to provide presentations.

PDF – – View that List of Select Robin’s Talks

Historical Perceptions is the creation of Robin McKee

Robin lives in Hamilton, Ontario, and has long been interested in his community’s history. One of his particular areas of focus is Hamilton’s cemeteries and the wealth of tradition and history which they represent.

He regularly conducts public tours at the Hamilton Cemetery, 777 York Boulevard (across from Dundurn Castle). Each tour has a specific focus but Robin is always willing to answer questions and to share stories from his vast knowledge of the Hamilton Cemetery and the people who are buried there.

Robin McKee’s “Stories in the Stones” cemetery tours commence from the entrance to the Hamilton Cemetery at 11 am and take place rain or shine. Be sure to bring the necessary food, drink and clothing needs. No reservations are required. There is no charge for the tours.

Robin has an interest in the many historic plaques that have been erected in the Hamilton community. As a new feature of this site, we have begun an expanding display of text and photos related to Hamilton’s Historic Plaques.

Books by Robin McKee

Available for sale at all the Cemetery Tours!

Gone but not Forgotten by Robin McKee
Gone But Not Forgotten Volume 1 – – Price: $20.00
Gone But Not Forgotten Volume 2 – – Price: $20.00
Gone But Not Forgotten Volume 3 – – Price: $20.00

Available at Tour or Buy Online

View Points – – Price: $20.00 – BUY IT ONLINE NOW

Coming Soon

COMING SOON! Gone But Not Forgotten Volume 4 – – Price: $20.00

History Books by Others

The Hamiltonians 100 Fascinating Lives by Margaret Houghton
Vanished Hamilton by Margaret Houghton
Vanished Hamilton 2 by Margaret Houghton